Meghan - what a great quote about our life as a series of connected dots! I've only come to that realisation a little while ago (and I'm 68!), good that you gained that insight much earlier. Indeed, I haven't had any major discoveries/events in my life, at least not in my own view. I tend to feel that I've stumbled into one situationand clambering out of the previous one. Lots of luck involved. And so I see my life (so far) as a series of episodes... If I ever get to write up my life experiences into a book, it will probably be a collection of short stories. Mostly funny, I guess. And for you: Please keep finding new and fun "dots" to connect into your life! And please keep telling us about them.
Thanks for your comment, Ron. I feel like most of our lives will feel like a collection of short stories. I do hope you write that one day! :) Thank you for the encouragement to keep sharing about the dots. I needed that.
This was exactly what I needed to read - it really resonated. Thank you. I have spent the past couple of years working to create more white space and need reminders periodically that my worth isn't defined by how long my to-do list is and how much I produce!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sarah. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, one step back, but I do feel called to really check in with the ego and lead my life from a more heart-centered space.
Meghan - what a great quote about our life as a series of connected dots! I've only come to that realisation a little while ago (and I'm 68!), good that you gained that insight much earlier. Indeed, I haven't had any major discoveries/events in my life, at least not in my own view. I tend to feel that I've stumbled into one situationand clambering out of the previous one. Lots of luck involved. And so I see my life (so far) as a series of episodes... If I ever get to write up my life experiences into a book, it will probably be a collection of short stories. Mostly funny, I guess. And for you: Please keep finding new and fun "dots" to connect into your life! And please keep telling us about them.
Thanks for your comment, Ron. I feel like most of our lives will feel like a collection of short stories. I do hope you write that one day! :) Thank you for the encouragement to keep sharing about the dots. I needed that.
This was exactly what I needed to read - it really resonated. Thank you. I have spent the past couple of years working to create more white space and need reminders periodically that my worth isn't defined by how long my to-do list is and how much I produce!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Sarah. Sometimes it feels like two steps forward, one step back, but I do feel called to really check in with the ego and lead my life from a more heart-centered space.
So much in this resonates with me. Well said, thank you!
Thanks for taking the time to comment, Mary Ellen!