Thanks for sharing this! With the pressure from social media and to document everything, it feels like you’re *supposed* to have this wave of emotion when you touch your book for the first time. That’s hogwash. You can feel however you wanna feel, even if that feeling is “I don’t know if I feel anything.”

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Great point, Betsy. I posted a reel of me unboxing the book (and I'm still glad I did), but it also felt like I was infusing the moment with meaning rather than just living it for what it was. It was still meaningful, but much smaller than I had imagined.

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I love this post. Thank you for sharing all of these feelings and the weird tension that exists for authors.

I've always loved this quote on success: "When you are actually succeeding, it tends to be quiet and comes always quite unannounced and without a lot of fanfare." ~Teresita Fernández

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Oh, I love that quote. It feels exactly like what happened when I finally held that book. :)

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