I love quiet fun. Fun for me is going through my Substack feeds and having the leisure time to respond and comment. Fun is being able to set my timer and journal. Fun is watching TV with my cat and dog right next to me. Fun has never been a fancy restaurant where I have to worry about how I look and what I'm wearing or going for drinks (of which I don't do). Fun is not travel or weekend get-aways. Not for me. My homebody self likes small gatherings, house parties, dinner parties laughs and conversation. Quite fun. I like shade and clouds and cooler weather fun. Fun is being able to say I'm not having fun anymore and its time to leave.

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This comment made me smile so hard. Especially your very last sentence because I can TOTALLY relate to the idea! I am always way too aware of when I'm "tapped out" - it can take a lot of energy to keep up the fun facade!

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Sep 1, 2022Liked by Meghan J. Ward

I like your kind of fun.🤗

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I knew there'd be some low-key fun kind of people out there! :)

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Oh I feel this so deeply on so many levels. I agree with what you consider to be fun 😊 On a recent Pantsuit Politics episode, they also discussed this concept in their Outside of Politics segment.

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I'll have to look into it! I think it's interesting how often it is assumed that certain types of fun are universal. When you're an introvert, and also have an over-sensitive nervous system, fun can DEFINITELY look very different! What kind of fun do you enjoy?

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Reading, writing, or accomplishing something like a hike or bike ride. I think I've had to accept that I'm honestly not that exciting of a person 😂

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Yeah, me too!

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